Thanks for the insights. The contribution to the society or impact is the target funders are looking for. So from my perspective translating objectives to impacts needs new transformative strategies like the theory of change which I have conceived as a concept entitled "Tchouaffe's theory of change: TToC" (Tchouaffé, 2021) as tool to evaluate the impact of science-policy interface network on a particular society, based on five determinants (Scorecards on awareness, Know-how, Attitude Participation, Self-evaluation).
RE: How to evaluate science, technology and innovation in a development context?
Thanks for the insights. The contribution to the society or impact is the target funders are looking for. So from my perspective translating objectives to impacts needs new transformative strategies like the theory of change which I have conceived as a concept entitled "Tchouaffe's theory of change: TToC" (Tchouaffé, 2021) as tool to evaluate the impact of science-policy interface network on a particular society, based on five determinants (Scorecards on awareness, Know-how, Attitude Participation, Self-evaluation).
Have a good day.
Pan-African Institute for Development Cameroon
Feel free to consult my chapter ecological engineering to mitigate eutrophication in the flooding zone of River Nyong, Cameroon, Pages 613-633:
Of the Handbook of climate management, published by Springer nature, 2021