Eki Ramadhan is an Evaluation Analyst at the GEF IEO. Prior to this role, Eki cultivated extensive international development experience, contributing to projects on topics including natural resource governance, agriculture, social protection, and community-driven development at the International Finance Corporation, University of California, World Bank, and Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). Eki has also conducted research on the circular economy in Ghana, food security in Ethiopia, the water-food-energy nexus in the Greater Mekong Subregion, and Australia’s illegal logging policy. His research on the management of catch fisheries in Indonesia was awarded the Mossavar-Rahmani Center Prize by the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. Eki holds an MPA in International Development degree from Harvard University, where he studied as a John F. Kennedy Fellow, and a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Wesleyan University, where he was a Freeman Asian Scholar.
Eki [user:field_middlename] Ramadhan

Eki Ramadhan
Evaluation Analyst
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Estados Unidos de América