Ouvrage Impact Evaluation in Practice This book offers an accessible introduction to the topic of impact evaluation and its practice in development.
Your Voice Matters: Shaping the Future of EvalForward!Mini Survey Results. To all members of the EvalForward Community of Practice who took the time to complete our recent mini survey, thank you!AgricultureEvaluation methodsEvaluation processEvaluation resultsFood SecurityGenderImpact evaluationMonitoring & EvaluationNational Evaluation CapacitiesParticipatory approachesRural developmentTheories of Change
Document d’orientation Guideline on Impact Evaluation The guideline was revised with the aim of providing an overview for government staff undertaking and managing evaluations. The guideline is broad and can be applied in different contexts. It provides the definition of impact evaluation as adopted by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and...
mai12025 until mai 4Evaluation conferenceBologna Congressi (Bologna Congress Center), Italy IAIA25 Impact Assessment in the age of Artificial Intelligence
Ouvrage Artificial Intelligence and Evaluation Emerging Technologies and Their Implications for Evaluation Artificial Intelligence and Evaluation: Emerging Technologies and Their Implications for Evaluation is a groundbreaking exploration of how the landscape of program evaluation will be redefined by artificial intelligence and other emerging digital technologies. In an era where digital technologies...
Impact Evaluation: How far have we come? The impact evaluation challenge of the evaluation community.Impact evaluation
Dossier Theory-based impact evaluation for rural poverty reduction This course by FAO elearning Academy considers the importance of evaluation of multisectoral strategies for poverty reduction, and discusses the six principles of which theory based impact evaluations should be based in order to identify and test the causal mechanism through which these strategies...
Document technique Half-Time for SDG Evidence Generation. Insights from the Development Evidence Portal. This working paper provides an overview of state of effectiveness evidence across the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The authors have analyzed impact evaluations and systematic reviews available in 3ie’s Development Evidence Portal published between 1990 to 2022. The study finds substantial...
Posté le nov 14, 2023 Proving the value of agroecology for farmers and food systems: what methods and evidence do we have? This discussion invites to share understanding, experience and initiatives to assess the value of agroecology in terms of its potential contribution to poverty alleviation, human health, and the environment.Read More
novembre22023 until nov 3Evaluation conferenceWashington DC and online 4th Development Impact Conference
Document d’orientation Impact Evaluation in Practice The second edition of the Impact Evaluation in Practice handbook is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to impact evaluation for policy makers and development practitioners. First published in 2011, it has been used widely across the development and academic communities. The book...
Document technique An empirically driven theory of poverty reduction This research project paper of CEDIL describes the use of secondary evaluation data from four government unconditional cash transfer programmes (UCTs) to identify high- and low-flyers, that is, those households that are able to use the income shock to significantly improve their living standards and...
Document d’orientation Impact evaluation - A map of uses The map of impact evaluation uses was designed as a pedagogical tool for evaluation practitioners: it allows evaluation teams to reflect on the actual uses that commissioners make of evaluations, particularly impact evaluations, and to collectively increase their capacity to propose relevant...
Document d’orientation Overview of Impact Evaluation This guidance document of UNICEF provides more detailed guidance on the core building blocks of impact evaluation (theory of change, evaluative criteria and evaluative reasoning), different evaluation designs and methods for data collection and analysis, and options in terms of participatory...
octobre252021 until oct 27Evaluation conferenceAbidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) & online Regional Conference on Impact Evaluation in Francophone Africa
National ownership paramount – 5 lessons from a country-led impact evaluation in Peru Three years ago, the Government of Peru embarked on a school feeding impact evaluation of its Qali Warma programme. This journey presents a good practice example of how national evaluation capacity can be built through technical advice to a country-led evaluation.Impact evaluationNational Evaluation Capacities
Vidéo Evaluation: les ficelles du métier Dans cette vidéo, Olivier Cossée du Bureau de l’évaluation de la FAO, donne des conseils pratiques sur comment combiner approches qualitatives et quantitatives dans les études d’impact.
Impact Evaluation in the humanitarian space Resilience in complex food crises: The case for building better evidence In 2019, the world recorded 135 million "acutely food-insecure people in crisis or worse". More than three quarters of them lived in countries affected by conflict or extreme weather events.Food SecurityImpact evaluationNutrition
Impact Evaluation in the humanitarian space Cash-based transfers in crisis: Why more evidence is needed to support women in crisis, and what we’re doing about it The increasing intensity of humanitarian crises and conflict across the globe has led to the highest level of displaced people in history.HumanitarianImpact evaluation
Document technique The impact of impact evaluation Are impact evaluation and impact evaluation synthesis contributing to evidence generation and use in low- and middleincome countries? The authors of the present paper researched international organizations and countries including Mexico, Colombia, South Africa, Uganda, and Philippines to understand...
Measuring resilience-building in Karamoja, Uganda I was recently involved in a mid-term evaluation of a multi-agency 2016-2020 programming to enhance resilience in Karamoja, the least-developed region of Uganda.AgricultureFood SecurityImpact evaluation
Impact Evaluation in the humanitarian space Five Myths about Impact Evaluation in the Humanitarian Space Impact evaluation has a long history– but can it be used in humanitarian contexts? We’re busting five common myths below.HumanitarianImpact evaluation
octobre282019 until oct 28WorkshopIFAD headquarters, Rome, Italy Learning event: 2019 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations
Rapport Meta-evidence review on impacts of investments in agricultural and rural development on Sustainable Development Goals 1&2 Agriculture and rural development research will play a critical role in meeting the ambitious targets under SDGs 1 and 2. In recent years there has been heightened emphasis on both the rigorous evaluation of development interventions and systematic reviews and meta-analyses based on such evaluations...
Lessons learned from managing Impact Evaluations on development interventions Impact evaluations have recently been playing an increasingly prominent role as part of development interventions, including in agriculture and rural development.Impact evaluation
Dossier E-learning course - Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Food Security and Agriculture Programmes The joint EU/IICA/CTA/FAO elearning course entitled: “Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Food Security and Agriculture Programmes“ is now available online. This course has the objective to support countries and regions in planning the information needs for monitoring, pilotage and...
juin32019 until juin 3WebinarIFAD HQ Knowledge-sharing seminar on conducting Impact Evaluations of Agricultural, Food and Nutrition Security Programmes