We need to talk about scaling. Evaluators working in food security, agriculture, rural development, climate change, and other areas are increasingly called upon to help organizations scale the impact of their innovations, programs, and policies...
Is evaluation present in your country, and in the agriculture sector specifically? Please share your experience and suggestions on how to move evaluation systems forward.
Knowledge Management and Communication are both critical to Evaluation, especially for communicating the results of evaluations, including the promotion of lesson learning to inform decision making and planning. What is your experience in applying knowledge management in M&E and evaluation work?
Data on food production, prices, trade, market access, nutrition and data on population without access/constrained access to food items are all affected by the current pandemic
Are evaluation and monitoring mutually exclusive practices, or are they complementary and both necessary for assessing and correcting the performance of a development action?
What are your experiences and lessons in getting the farmers involved in all stages of Monitoring and Evaluation of agricultural interventions? What are some innovative Participatory Monitoring&Evaluation approaches for agricultural projects and how effective they are?
For agriculture to grow and innovate we need young people to engage. However, the average age of agriculture workers is increasing. What can evaluation tell us on the rising age in agriculture work and on how to address this issue?
The agriculture sector is often underfunded and this limits service delivery and monitoring and evaluation, especially at local level. Please share your views and any suggestion you may have.
How can we monitor and evaluate efficiently progress towards the SDG2 – Ending Hunger if we cannot count on reliable data and consequent statistics and indicators? Do you think there are also weakness and challenges in data collection in your country?