A Jacob Alfred

A Jacob Alfred

MEAL Supervisor
Solidarite's International
South Sudan

Good report writing and presentation to multiple stakeholders. 

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with staff, line Ministry, partners and other stakeholders. Creativity: Develop and encourage new and innovative solutions while willing to take discipline risks. 

Participatory Rural Appraisal skills and data disaggregation. 

Survey building, quantitative and qualitative data collection skills with ODK, Kobo Collect Episurveyor, etc. 

Business intelligence, quantitative and qualitative Data analytic software and interpretation skills like SPSS+, Excel, Atlas, Express Scribe, DHIS2, HMIS, PowerBI, Nnvivo, etc. 

Excellent computer literacy e.g. ability to use MS Offices, Google workspace, internet, software, antivirus in addition to installation knowledge. 

Ability to perfectly deliver training on Research and MEAL techniques efficiently. 

Accountability: Hold self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modeling. 

Collaboration: Build and maintain effective working relationship with teams, colleagues, partners. 

Approachable, good listenership and easy to talk to. Skills in conducting formative research, needs assessment, tracking project activities and reach to report, writing baseline, midterm and end of project evaluation reports.