- Development of web-based monitoring database
- Organisational & Advocacy Capacity Assessments
- Project Management
- Portfolio Management
- Storytelling
- Capacity Development of CSOs
- Development Cooperation
- Quality Management
- Climate Change Adaptation
Cornelia [user:field_middlename] Rietdorf

Cornelia Rietdorf
Scientific Associate
German Environment Agency
My contributions
How best to evaluate capacity development?
BlogIn our last EvalForward Talks session on 30 April, I shared my experience of how to conduct a capacity-development project review from a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) perspective, and I would like to thank all those who participated for their comments and insight. Herewith a brief overview of the key points that emerged on how to capture the effects of capacity development (trainings, workshops and mentoring activities) in a meaningful way.
The twists and turns of capacity development
As you know, a broad approach is needed when evaluating advocacy and capacity-development projects ‒ and this doesn’t really fit with the linear
Posted by
Cornelia Rietdorf
Scientific Associate German Environment Agency