MEL Manager at the GSMA Foundation AgriTech programme. We provide grant fudning and/or technical assistance to MSMEs scaling inclusive digital services for smallholder farmer financial inclusion, improved incomes and climate resilience.
Domain expertise: Digital technology, agritech, gender, financial inclusion, private sector-led sustainability, MSMEs
My contributions
Conducting MEL with digital agriculture service providers – lessons from leveraging MEL to develop farmer-centric digital services
BlogDigital agriculture services provide a key opportunity to improve smallholder farmers’ access to information, markets and financial services. However, these services are hard to scale, often meeting low levels of adoption and usage. In donor-funded programmes, Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) can play a key role in exploring service adoption challenges among smallholder farmers and identifying lessons to make services work for rural, low-income populations. But MEL is often imposed by donors to track the impact of their funding, and service providers often associate it with tedious reporting and struggle to see its value. So how can we rebrand
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Emily Gamble
MEL Manager GSMA