Hynda [user:field_middlename] Habchi Krachni

Hynda Habchi Krachni

Directrice de Mission
Ministère de Finances (Algérie)

My contributions

    • Good evening dear members of EvalForward

      The question posed by Elias is very interesting.

      Monitoring, being a process that provides regular information, allows decisions to be taken quickly. Good monitoring necessarily implies the success of a project or a policy, since it allows for the rapid correction and rectification of an unforeseen situation or a given constraint.

      Moreover, the more reliable and relevant the information, the more effective the monitoring.

      In developing countries, the main constraint to monitoring and evaluation is the flow of information from the local to the central level and its consolidation. 

      Indeed, information is often unreliable, which inevitably has an impact on the decisions that are taken.

      As for evaluation, it requires more time, since it is based on research and analysis. It allows decision-makers to review strategies, correct certain actions and sometimes revise objectives if they are deemed too ambitious or unachievable once the policy has been implemented. 


    • Chère communauté.

      Je suis désolée de ne pas être revenue plus tôt vers vous. Cela est dû à un grand chantier professionnel, avant le départ en congé.

      Merci pour vos contributions et le partage de vos opinions et analyses, concernant ma question sur les erreurs lors de la conception des politiques publiques et des projets.

      Vos réponses sont toutes pertinentes et se complètent parfaitement.

      Un merci particulier à Mustapha MALKI, à Lal-Manavado, à Isha Miranda,Emile N.Houngbo et à Gninnan Oumar Sako, pour votre réactivité et pour la qualité de vos contributions.

      Hynda Habchi Krachni 

    • Hello to all the community,

      Thanks to Natalia for her very pertinent question.

      The results are often presented by the developer of the programme, project or policy to be evaluated. This presentation may not be appropriate because precisely the developer and the projet manager are concerned about the evaluation of the results and consciously or unconsciously, ambiguous terms are often used.

      In the performance of my duties, I have already encountered this type of situation and to aim for an objective evaluation, I had to develop templates with the appropriate terminology and I asked to present the results according to the said templates.

      Of course, the treatment of the quantified results, presented according to the new templates, made it possible to unlock the issue and this proved very effective because we were able to expose the figures initially announced.

      I can give a very simple example: a project was declared launched while looking for what was hidden behind the name "launched", it turned out that the project was in the phase of its registration as a planned operation.

      Another example: a project was considered "realized", while provisional acceptance was not obtained. However, the latter can give rise to reservations, the management of which will take longer or shorter periods and concretely the project would be in progress and not realized.

      I hope this helps a little bit.

      Have a very good day everyone.

  • What are your evaluation challenges?


    Participants in the discussion identified the following challenges and possible solutions in conducting evaluations of agriculture, rural development and food security programmes:   

    • Lack of or limited availability of baseline data and information. This problem can be addressed by reconstructing baselines for example using “recall” techniques.
    • Gender aspects are often treated as an afterthought, with no or very limited data and indicators to measure progress.
    • Limited accessibility of project sites due to either remoteness or security threats: this affects the selection of evaluators and the methods to use. In a recent evaluation of an FAO programme in Afghanistan, the team used
  • Challenges of evaluation

    • Hello dear friends,

      I am really happy. The last two contributions of Mustapha, Nasser and Raoudha are quite relevant. Thank you for sharing them with us.

      Compliance with the principles of evaluation is crucial in the conduct of all evaluations to ensure objectivity and therefore provide answers to the questions asked and introduce the necessary corrective measures.

      The rich debate that emerged from my question highlights the great diversity of constraints encountered and their impact on the results of the evaluation.

      Some fall under the responsibility of the evaluators, others to the evaluators and others to the policies and devices set.

      Once again, thank you all for your responsiveness and the relevance of your contributions.



    • Dear Isha, dear community,

      That's right. The environment is critical to the success of the evaluations, particularly those related to agriculture and agricultural development. The large number of stakeholders somewhat limits this work of communication and awareness of the importance of evaluation. It seems to me essential today to develop the communication skills and "credibility" of the evaluator. This credibility has not only a technical scope, but also a very important formative dimension. Our face-to-face, understanding the scope of the evaluation, will develop a trust with us and rather than a relationship of mistrust, a real work of collaboration between the parties will be developed, which allows us to achieve very good results for our evaluation and contribute to the development of different agricultural policies and systems.

      Thank you all !!!


    • [English translation below]

      Bonsoir chère communauté,

      Je vous remercie vivement pour votre réactivité.
      Les points de vue sont très pertinents et émanent de véritables professionnels, c'est ce qui rend le débat intéressant.

      Vos contributions se complètent et indiquent que les entraves à l'évaluation sont nombreuses et peuvent réellement impacter ses résultats.

      Pour ma part, je voudrais rajouter en plus du déficit de la culture de l'évaluation, particulièrement dans les pays en voie de développement, la confusion entre l'évaluation et le contrôle, l'audit ou l'enquête. 

      Pour moi, évaluatrice rattachée à une institution publique, c'est la contrainte principale que je rencontre.

      Je m’explique: une évaluation participative repose sur des entretiens. Cependant, lorsque votre vis à vis pense que vous opérez un contrôle, il se ferme car il a peur de la sanction qui peut être le résultat d'un contrôle. 

      Dans ce cas, un travail de sensibilisation est fait, dont le résultat n'est pas toujours satisfaisant.

      La compétence et la distanciation de l'évaluateur, sont également capitales pour une évaluation objective, sans aucun parti pris et qui prenne en compte l'ensemble des facettes.

      Merci encore à notre chère communauté. C'est un grand honneur d'être parmi vous. Cet espace d'échange nous permettra d'apprendre davantage sur la pratique de l'évaluation.

      Je souhaite à tous une bonne continuité. 


      Good evening dear community,

      I thank you very much for your responsiveness.

      The points of view are very relevant and come from real professionals, which makes the debate interesting.

      Your contributions complement each other and indicate that the obstacles to evaluation are numerous and can really impact its results.

      For my part, I would like to add in addition to the lack of evaluation culture, particularly in developing countries, the confusion between evaluation and inspection, auditing or investigation.

      For me, evaluator attached to a public institution, this is the main constraint that I encounter.

      I will explain: a participatory evaluation is based on interviews. However, when the person interviewed thinks you are doing an inspection, he stops because he is afraid of the penalty that may be the result of an inspection.

      In this case, an awareness raining work is carried out, but the result is not always satisfactory.

      The competence and distance of the evaluator are also crucial for an objective evaluation, without any bias and that takes into account all facets.

      Thanks again to our dear community. It is a great honor to be among you.

      This space of exchange will allow us to learn more about the practice of evaluation. I wish all of you good continuity.

  • The issues facing global agriculture

    • Hello,

      As a practitioner of evaluation, the aspects mentioned by Ms. Isha are essential for an objective evaluation.

      How can we talk about food security if we do not associate the benefits of technology and the development of machinery and tools that are essential to the farmer?

      The quantities produced, the speed of processing and the harvest are closely related to this aspect. Of course, the question of their accessibility to farmers in poor countries remains unresolved.

      On the second point, the land ownership of the farmer, I think it is crucial. Human beings invest more and better when they own.

      In other words, the formulas of concessions, agricultural villages, collective farms quickly showed their limits despite the existence of cases of success.

      Then the last question about access to credit and financing, deserves to be studied seriously because it is important to situate funding assistance schemes, between a policy of encouragement that should lead to the autonomy of the farmer and a policy of assistance which gives rise to an assisted farmer, moving away from any initiative.

      The issue of prices remains closely linked to the regulatory policy of the country to which the farmer belongs.

      In other words, evaluating an agricultural policy amounts to evaluating:

            -its strategic and quantified objectives

            -the regulatory instruments

            -the allocated funding (direct and indirect such as subsidized credits, aid .....)

            -the results obtained quantitatively and qualitatively

      Of course all this will be used to locate the strengths and weaknesses of agriculture with a view to making the appropriate recommendations.

      NB An objective evaluation is an evaluation that takes into account all facets of the problem