Richard Alepa has a Masters of Science in Agriculture. He is a member of Australian Evaluation Society (AES6812). I have obtained Certification in Program for Rural Monitoring and Evaluation for Rural Development (PRiME) in 2019 from Centres for Learning Evaulation and Results (CLEAR) and International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) in 2019. Richard has more than 5 years of research and development (R&D) related work experience on farming systems in the highlands of PNG. Further 5 years 3 months as an M&E and Knowledge Management Practitioner (Indiviudual Consultant). I'm currently employed as Senior Monitoring, Evaluation and Knowledge Managemnt Practitioner with Fresh Produce Development Agency for an IFAD financied Market for Village Farmers (MVF) project in Papua New Guinea. Formerly, I was empolyed as an M&E Practitioner (IC) with the Productive Partnership in Agriculture Project (PPAP) - Coffee Component with Coffee Industry Cooperation funded by World Bank and IFAD. Both projects are jointly financied by Government of Papua New Guinea. My work with MVF and PPAP has involved in designing a user friendly and comprehensive Monitoring & Evaluation Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to keep track of project activities at output level to deliver outcomes and report impacts on the livelihood of the participating farmers for Coffee, Fresh Produce and Galip Nut Value Chain systems in the target project areas. The SOP design is systematically link to Management Information System (MIS). His interest areas are in farming system research & development, biometry (statistics), project management, participatory monitoring & evaluation and learning, Management Information System (MIS) and climate change & adaptation. I'm also excited to cross learn and share my experience about my work with other members.
Richard [user:field_middlename] Alepa

Richard Alepa
M&E and Knowledge Management Practitioner
Market for Village Farmers, Fresh Produce Development Agency
Papua New Guinea
Richard Alepa
M&E and Knowledge Management Practitioner Market for Village Farmers, Fresh Produce Development AgencyFrom my experience working in the field of monitoring and evaluation, it depends on the project context and to some extent on the delivery of goods and services to targets beneficiaries as well as to those outside of the boundary of the project intervention. Thus, these three tools come into mind and sometimes are confusing: Logical Framework, Result Framework and Theory of Change. Though, the theoretical understanding of these tools on paper looks simple and how they are leveraged in the M&E system is okay however their applications to provide evidence based results is sometime unclear. Further, at what level of results reporting, do I tailor in Logical & Result Framework and Theory of Change to enable better understanding of the process? What I am doing in my project is that I tailor Logical and Result Framework at process evaluation stage (input, activities and outputs) to understand flow of implementations and TOC at impact level (output, outcome and impact) to understand change as a results of the intervention. I would be happy to hear from experts.