We need to talk about scaling. Evaluators working in food security, agriculture, rural development, climate change, and other areas are increasingly called upon to help organizations scale the impact of their innovations, programs, and policies...
Data on food production, prices, trade, market access, nutrition and data on population without access/constrained access to food items are all affected by the current pandemic
How can we monitor and evaluate efficiently progress towards the SDG2 – Ending Hunger if we cannot count on reliable data and consequent statistics and indicators? Do you think there are also weakness and challenges in data collection in your country?
What constraints do you encounter during the different evaluations of programs and interventions on rural development, agriculture and food security? How do you get around them? And which are the ones you cannot get around?
I would be interested in examples from your evaluation experience of projects that have been successful in improving food security, and in particular food access, in extremely poor communities: could you please share them?
How to properly take charge of the "gender" theme during evaluations of food security projects and programs or sustainable agriculture? Is it enough to simply associate women to different activities carried out in projects / programs as it is often practice to say that one is gender-sensitive? What