Whose reality counts in evaluation? Building forward better with people-centered and adaptive evaluations
This gLOCAL event developed from two key and interrelated topics that emerged over the last year in the knowledge sharing among members of the EvalForward Community of Practice : 1) Use of community feedback for adaptive programming, and 2) Methods for enabling community participation and feedback in times of COVID (references are below).
In discussing these two topics, the event focused in particular on examples of some ways in which adaptive programming and inclusive evaluations have been undertaken. Participants shared their perspectives and experiences in interactive sessions moderated by experienced development professionals.
Opening remarks – Mr Indran Naidoo, Director, Independent Office of Evaluation, IFAD
Community-led approaches for adaptive responses and recovery, by Ms Johanna Pennarz, Senior Evaluation Officer, IFAD and Ms Julie Thoulozan, Senior Evaluation Officer, WFP
Part 1: Use of community feedback for adaptive programming facilitated by Ms Jennifer Mutua, Evaluation Society of Kenya
- Highlights from the rapid evaluation of Covid impact in mountain areas by Ms Malika Bounfour, president Association Ayur pour le Développement de la femme Rurale, Morocco
- Highlights from the rapid assessment of needs of migrant people, by Ms Nayely Almanza, Sustainable Landscapes Specialist, Rainforest Alliance Mexico.
Part 2: Methods for enabling community participation and feedback in times of COVID facilitated by Ms Dee Jupp, Independent Social Development Consultant & Technical Advisor
- Highlights from the participatory outcome evaluation, by Mr Binod Chapagain, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, USAID Green Invest Asia, Pact, Thailand
- Highlights from the evaluation of CDD in Papua and West Papua, by Mr Prashanth Kotturi, Evaluation Officer, IFAD
Plenary discussion and ways forward.
EvalForward references
Blog: Making voices count - Gathering community feedback in times of remote evaluation by Johanna Pennarz & Prashanth Kotturi
Online discussion: Rapid evaluation to measure the impact of the COVID pandemic in mountainous areas by Malika Bounfour
Blog: Insights from participatory outcome evaluation with social forest groups in Myanmar by Binod Chapagain